Francesca Bravo


Born in Santiago de Chile, I felt, since kindergarten, the need to express myself through drawing and painting, to reveal my soul through graphics, self-taught, I try to discover each day new styles, always keeping a preference for surrealism and oil.
Was, so natural, this form of expression that I kept no drawing, no scribbling and I began to exhibit my works that in 1992, invited by friends, to a collective exhibition at the Pavilion of Arts in Pau, a sequel exhibitions follow, on Pau and the Basque country.
In the parliament of Navarre I got a first prize with the "Painting Eater", a second prize at Eugenie-les Bains with "The water lilies of Eugenie".
Painter of the soul would be what best reflects me, is this my favorite painting, painting dreams, situations, feelings, human and social concerns.
To paint the story of lives, or paths, enchants me, because I have to put myself in the skin of the person, as an actor in his role, to live it to illustrate it.
The renewal of each day, does not allow me to lock myself in a specific style, because for me, painting is an adventure that allows me to discover each new canvas.
Realistic subjects remain, for me, just an exercise to develop my visual and manual dexterity.

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